25th of April - Annual Tennis Quiz night. 

This is a fun evening and a great chance to get to know everyone in a relaxed social setting.

The details are:

- Friday 25th April 2025

- The Social, Watlington Club

- 1900 for 1930 start

- Entry is free. 

- please sign up at [email protected]

Club Vacancies

Due to Corinne planning to stand down at the end of the year and Ruth focusing on her role leading our Juniors, we have two exciting opportunities for tennis club members to join the committee as Match Secretary and Safeguarding Lead.

If you are interested or would like to discuss either role, in the first instance please email Charlie at [email protected] or reach out to him via WhatsApp.
Please do take the time to consider these opportunities and support your tennis club.

The Watlington Tennis Club Committee

Match Secretary JD

Safeguarding Officer JD

Events in 2024

 Autumn Tournament Sunday - 13th of October  

 Well done to Kate and Graham on winning a hotly-disputed - yet friendly - tournament.

Christmas Drinks - 29th of November

 Brilliant evening in Watlington Town Hall


2024 Tennis Club AGM

Our AGM was held on 10/10/24 in the Clubhouse.

Minutes and financial statements can be found by clicking on the links:

Financial activities

Balance Sheet


The Watlington Club CIO is a registered charity in England and Wales under registration number 1160612 at 20 High Street, Watlington, Oxfordshire, OX49 5PY
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