Below you will find information on how to book the function room. 

Current prices for Members* to hire the hall: 

Sunday - Friday 9am - 11pm£12 per hour
Saturday 9am - 6pm£12 per hour
Saturday 6pm - midnight£15 per hour
One off surcharge for 6pm - midnight bookings£25

*Please note that only Members are able to hire the function room.  Personal membership is available from as little as £6 per year. For organisations and clubs annual membersip is £25.

If you would like to book the function room please see link below. Please note that this is a new booking system and the calendar may not be up to date. 

If you are not already a current member of the Watlington Club please follow the link to join before making a booking. 

Become a member

Calendar and room booking

The Watlington Club CIO is a registered charity in England and Wales under registration number 1160612 at 20 High Street, Watlington, Oxfordshire, OX49 5PY
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